Friday, March 27, 2009

During one of my first years in Cincinnati, I attended a Brewers/Reds game and took the risk of donning a cheesehead. Since the Brewers aren’t exactly a great draw, the stadium usually isn’t too full and no one usually wants to go with me. Because of that, I’m able to get some pretty good deals from the scalpers selling on the street… I once got seats behind the plate a few rows up for $20. I told my family back in Milwaukee to look for me on TV, since I wearing a giant yellow wedge of cheese usually gets attention from the cameras.

Well, I didn’t get on TV, but a dad and his 9 year old son sat down in the row behind me. The kid of course was intrigued by the cheese shaped foam I was wearing. Throughout the game, the dad and the kid would both good-naturedly make fun of it and people from Wisconsin who wear it. After the game ended, I got the last laugh as the kid said “Dad, I want a cheesehead.” I said if it didn’t cost $30 I would have given it to him. Now I kinda wish I had given it to him… it would’ve given him a great memory and a great impression of people from Wisconsin!

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