Monday, May 11, 2009

Man crush on Trevor Hoffman

This is weird. I'm used to long drawn out, dramatic 9th innings. Where's the fun in just setting them down in 8 pitches?

I bought Hells Bells (the CD, apparently AC/DC and I-tunes haven't reached a deal yet... but I'm just gonna sell the CD back so they would've made more money off me if I had bought it off I-tunes).

Reminds me of his SportsCenter commercial...


Anonymous said...

ha ha, that's a great commercial!

"but I'm just gonna sell the CD back so they would've made more money off me if I had bought it off I-tunes"

huh? if you bought the CD for $10, they probably made $9 off of you. If you sell it to someone else, that doesn't change anything.

anyways, you should buy from (DRM-free mp3 rather than Apple's proprietary AAC).

Dale said...

I bought the CD for $3 used off Amazon... so they're not getting any incremental income out of me.