Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bango the Buck... what the heck was he doing up there anyway?

So the Bucks mascot is gaining some fame... this is from All-Star weekend. There's two parts, the first part where he gets hit in the groin and the ball goes through the basket. The second is when he falls and tears his ACL.

I can't imagine him being perched up there being safe in any stretch of the imagination.

1 comment:

Katharine said...

I have to say, this post is a bit of a disappointment for me. I was housesitting when I first tried to look at this post, and being a house with children, the internet blocked me from going to this site...something about inappropriate content...which of course built up the expectations of what i was missing out apparently i built the expectations up too high and ended up disappointed. In related news, I did a search for a friend named Sanjeev and got the same result. I knew at that point that it wasn't even worth looking for Pornchai...